
Temple Terrace
The Marvelous Wonderettes

by: Highlands Lakeside Theatre

Bee Bop your way back to the girl singer groups of 1958 & 1968. More seats are now available to watch The Marvelous Wonderettes live on stage at Highlands Lakeside Theatre, located at 356 W. Center Avenue behind the Sebring Public Library on beautiful Lake Jackson. The Wonderettes are the girl singers chosen to entertain at the Senior prom during the first act and at the ten year reunion during the second act.

There are more than 30 songs you’ll recognize, like “Mr. Sandman,” “Sincerely,” “Mr. Lee,” and “Leader of the Pack.” All four Wonderettes are running for Prom Queen in the first act, Cindy Lou Huffington (Anna Schmidt), Suzy Simpson (LaTasia Sherrill), Missy Miller (Hannah Summer) and Betty Jean (B.J.) Reynolds (Julia Laframboise). The in house audience help vote for which candidate is crowned.Playwright Roger Bean has cleverly written the story line with songs that fit each character’s situation. Each of the performers are good, strong singers both alone and in harmony with each other.

The performances are open seating to allow for appropriate safe distancing. Seats are available for all performances. Call the theater box office at 863-382-2525to purchase your tickets or purchase online at www.highlandslakesidetheatre.org. Doors open at 6:30 PM with the show beginning at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. The doors open on Sunday at 1:30 PM with the show starting at 2:30 PM, through June 21. Come early enough to enjoy a beverage on the deck overlooking beautiful Lake Jackson.

For those wanting to stay home you may choose a Streaming ticket to watch the show live without leaving home. All tickets,in-person or livestream are $25.00.

The Blackman Stage Series is sponsored by Dental Care of Mid Florida and McPhail’s Auto Sales. The Marvelous Wonderettes is sponsored by Highlands Radio Group and is produced by special arrangement with StageRights

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the views, policy or position of Sebring.com


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