Outdoors and Parks
by: Daniel B
While shopping a few days ago I found a few business cards on shelves in several large stores in Sebring. The information on the cards and the locations where the cards were placed piqued my interest. The only thing on the front of the cards were the words “Men Going Their Own Way”, a very catchy yellow and black logo, and a link to a website. On the back of the cards were pictures of two books and the words “Must Read Books For Men.” Where the cards were placed was especially interesting: the sections containing hand tools, condoms, charcoal, beer, sporting goods, and men’s shaving supplies. So I took a card. When I got home I Googled the information shown on both sides of the card. What I found was a virtual gold mine of free information. All it cost me was a few minutes of computer research. I only wish I had discovered the information several decades ago. The books shown on the back of the cards were available for free in PDF format from several websites. I have since read both books cover to cover. Men! If you’re engaged, thinking of getting married, cohabiting, or even dating in this day and age, visit the MGTOW and MGTOW Reddit websites. Google the titles of the books in PDF format and download the books. It will save you decades of emotional and financial pain. For those men who are already married, the information in the websites and books will at least put your misery in perspective and make it a little easier to bare.
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Daniel Burke 5 Years ago Reply
Sorry. The picture on the back of the card didn't download. The title of the books are:
"The Predatory Female" by Lawrence Shannon
"The Manipulated Man" by Esther Vilar
Tips to help you achieve your goals in the new year.
Jordan C 5 Years ago Reply
The new episode of superstore is about this. Made the episode funnier since I had read this article.